Marine casts his shadow over the sands of Iraq
Barry, Billy and Nate, March 2007
Maureen, 1982, Minneapolis
Nate's birthday (seventh?) about 1991.
Brunst kids and Brunst dogs
Nate celebrates his 21st birthday at Pac Bell Park. 2005. Sarah expresses that she is unaware of how swell the world looks through beer goggles.
Mrs. and Mr. Photoblogger kickin' it Napa style, September 2006
Photoblogger ready for sledding, winter 1966. Some people find this image funny. I don't see why.
Ball Family, Baxter Springs, Kansas, July 2, 1961
Diana and Byron, wedding day, 1965
Carol, Cathy, Diana, Barry, 1965
Sarah in Florence, summer 2005
Bill McCullough, date unknown
Tammy, Nate and Billy, March 12, 2007
Tammy, Nate and Billy at Camp Pendleton, March 12, 2007
Billy at 8 months
Photoblogger about 1963. Nice jumper, don't you think?...
Photoblogger salutes the Brooklyn Bridge, March 2005

Big Naters, Thanksgiving 2004
Beautiful Handsome Corn-Eatin' Man, summer 2004
Nate and Forrest pitchin' washers, July 2004
McCullough cousins, Castro Valley, 2004
Barry and Maureen with the '66 Plymouth Fury III, 1995
Jenni, Catherine and Evan, about 1994