Kevin, McCullough reunion, Oklahoma City
Mike with tackle box
Maureen 1960
Melissa with sunflower
Helen about 1946
My 12th birthday, January 1971. I loved those pants. Wore them about 4 times a week for at least a semester.
Little Nate, mom and dad, about 1985
Taos, winter 1996
Iconic Maureen
Sarah does Andy Warhol, February 2007
Sarah's got a diploma, June 1986. With Aidan, Duncan, Cody, Ian and Graeme.
Sarah's got a pouty face, about 1991
Barry and Maureen in Cabo. This horse was so small. He sighed when I got on.
Kevin and Natalie's wedding
Byron Martin, about 1980
Connor and Shane, January 2006
Jordan Hager, January 2006
Brandi Hager, January 2006
Hannah, January 2005
Mark and Tim, February 2005

Jeremiah and Macy, November 2005
The amazing Bunny Boy of Castro Valley, Easter 2006.
July 2005. I had a most astonishing Campari and soda hangover that day.
Little Nate about 2 years old, blanket close at hand.
Billy at 2 months
Nate and newborn Billy, July 2006
William G. Martin, 7 months
Catherine, 1942

Catherine Ball, Jack Davis, Perry Davis, Norman Ball (front), 1926
Frank Martin with Barry and Cathy, early 1959
Frank, Byron, Rodney and Jack Martin, about 1935
N.Y. Davis, Jack Davis, Harry Ball, Norman Ball, Catherine Ball at Ball Grocery, about 1927

The five sons of Brice Martin. Lester, Jess, Frank, Bill and Howard, 1920. Location is 309 Byers, Joplin.

Sara and Jim DeCrevel, 2001
Maureen running wild in Cabo
Scott Craig. It's a long story...
Dan and Leone Baron, about 1994

Chris and Judy Best
Sarah and Nate on the All American City trip to Philadelphia, June 1999
Martins at Nate and Tammy's wedding, San Diego, March 2006
Martin cousins Pam, Carol, Diana, Cheryl, Cathy, 1999
Rodney and Juanita Martin
Megan and Graeme, about 1990
Helen and a pile of grandkids, about 1991
Barry, Karen, and Tessa, Albuquerque Christmas
Melissa, Nate and Tim, 1987
Nate about 3 years old
Nate about 3 years old
Nate and Uncle Mike, 1986

Carol and Shane