Billy models his argyle sweater, Christmas 2007.
Nate and Tammy, Christmas 2007.
Billy joins the gifts under the tree, Christmas 2007.
Billy edits his letter to Santa, Christmas Eve 2007.
Ian the Great, King of the Nerds, December 23, 2007
Jake and Karen, December 23, 2007
Sarah and Tessa at Kevin's, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas from Barry, Maureen and all our special friends!
William G., December 3, 2007
Are you havin' a laugh? Is she havin' a laugh? (Sarah, T-Giving 2007.)
Going to the coast makes Maureen silly. November 2007.
Nate and buddies at the Marine Corps Ball, November 2007.
Corporal in the center has his foot on something invisible.
Nate and Tammy at the Marine Corps Ball, November 2007
Billy all up in your grill, November 2007
Bathtime Billy, November 2007
Billy discovers the meaning of Halloween, October 31, 2007.
Macy Catherine, Halloween
Cole and Macy, Halloween 2007
Billy at 15 months - October 2007
Nat and the Mac boys, Golden Gate Park, October 2007
Byron Martin (left) somewhere in France, 1945. Identity of the other soldier not known.
Billy in his PJs, October 1, 2007
Billy captures the prized controller, September 2007.
Laura Davis (Miller), Sallie Ball, Ninnie Davis, Mona Davis. Year not known - about 1920?
Back left, Ninnie and Ben Davis. Back right, Sallie and Harry Ball. (The two in the middle are not identified.) Front, left to right, Diana, Carol, Cathy and Catherine Martin. 1957 or 1958?
Carol Martin, Norman Ball, Sallie Ball, Harry Ball, 1943 or 1944.
Davis family, 1917. Standing left to right, Sallie Davis, brother Ben Davis, father Nathan Yancy Davis. Seated, mother Alice.
Billy Milkchin, August 2007
Billy, August 2007. 13 months of age. Seems young for texting - or is he checking voice mail?
Mr. Orange and Mr. Orange, Jr., Escondido CA August 2007.
The photoblogger gets a visit from Vivian, high school plus 30 years.
Maureen and Billy do a photo booth, August 2007
Sarah's new short haircut, summer 2007
Sarah and Billy in the pool, 4th of July 2007
Billy and Tammy, July 8, 2007
Billy, Tammy and Nate, 4th of July 2007
Handmade one-of-a-kind personal wine label, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Photoblogger, Napa CA, 1996
Billy and Maureen, June 2007
Nate, Escondido, June 2007
Billy, 11 months
William G. Martin, June 2007
Tessa the grad with the whole grad family

Tessa, the grad with a 'tude

Mr. and Mrs. Photoblogger and the Photoblogger offpsring, Veterans Park, Napa, Fall 2003
Riley and Kieran
Coach Kevin, the record holder for ejections from T-ball games.
On the road with Naters. Can you find the sleeping man in this picture?
Hannah, Tessa, Ian and Jake
Hannah and Tessa